3. Place

Goat #00449

Combined Rarity: 0,2138%
Rarity points: 125

Jumper Color: Midnight blue
Fur Color: common brown
Background Color: Tranquil blue
Background View: Cruiser
Glasses: Monocle
Hat: Cowboy

This goats story:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Rarity ranking

Our Billies and Nannies are all unique. As the herd is growing trough activation of the NFTs, each Billy and Nanny show their unique traits. Each trait has a different scarcity, resulting in a total rarity. Each single trait rarity is multiplied to get the total rarity percentage. On this page you can see the top 10 rarest Billies, and further down, the top 10 rarest Nannies. Currently there are a total of 8 activated NFT goats in the herd.

Top 10 Billy rarity ranking

1. Place

Billy #898

Stamp ID: 5WNo0W
Combined Rarity: 0.00412%
Rarity points: 243
Activation date: 14.07.2024 - 10:34:42

Jumper Color: Hot red
Fur Color: Electrifying purple
Background Color: Lush green
Background View:
Glasses: None
Hat: French beret

This goats story:
L'Ancresse Bay goes green where amazingly a porpoise plays in the sea, snazzy Billy likes to party in his toasty red Guernsey Jumper wearing his new French beret.

2. Place

Billy #833

Stamp ID: 18yWro
Combined Rarity: 0.0068%
Rarity points: 147
Activation date: 14.07.2024 - 11:45:59

Jumper Color: Midnight blue
Fur Color: Electrifying purple
Background Color: Fiery red
Background View:
Glasses: Retro shades
Hat: GCS fez

This goats story:
The sky turns fiery red at the end of the day where a cruise boat is moored in the bay, snazzy Billy likes to party in his cosy blue Guernsey Jumper with his classy sunglasses, looking dashing as he shows off his bright red Fez!

3. Place

Billy #856

Stamp ID: l0L8hV
Combined Rarity: 0.01304%
Rarity points: 77
Activation date: 23.07.2024 - 17:04:22

Jumper Color: Hot red
Fur Color: Common brown
Background Color: Misty grey
Background View:
Glasses: Swim snorkel
Hat: Ethereum baseball cap

This goats story:
L'Ancressee Bay shrouded in fog as a sail boat glides across the bay, plain old Billy looks great in his toasty red Guernsey Jumper and ready for a dip in the sea with a snazzy snorkel,

4. Place

Billy #865

Stamp ID: BwBjJm
Combined Rarity: 0.02367%
Rarity points: 42
Activation date: 15.07.2024 - 15:00:09

Jumper Color: Midnight blue
Fur Color: Common brown
Background Color: Lush green
Background View:
Glasses: None
Hat: GCS fez

This goats story:
L'Ancresse Bay goes green where a cruise boat is moored in the bay, plain old Billy looks great in his cosy blue Guernsey Jumper looking dashing as he shows off his bright red Fez!

Top 10 Nanny rarity ranking

1. Place

Nanny #14159

Stamp ID: 63fKN8
Combined Rarity: 0.00798%
Rarity points: 125
Activation date: 22.07.2024 - 11:35:33

Jumper Color: Field green
Fur Color: Snowy white
Background Color: Lush green
Background View:
Glasses: None
Scarf: Polygon scarf

This goats story:
L'Ancresse Common glows green with the sun high in the sky, sophisticated Nanny looks stylish in her cosy green Guernsey Jumper in a posh Polygon scarf.

2. Place

Nanny #14160

Stamp ID: oneQud
Combined Rarity: 0.00821%
Rarity points: 122
Activation date: 17.07.2024 - 18:31:42

Jumper Color: Midnight blue
Fur Color: Common brown
Background Color: Tranquil blue
Background View:
Glasses: Hot laser eyes
Scarf: GCS scarf

This goats story:
L'Ancresse Common on a calm tranquil day as a dog bounds around the fairway, natural Nanny looks splendid in her snug blue Guernsey Jumper with hot laser eyes, sporting a glamorous GCS scarf.

3. Place

Nanny #14167

Stamp ID: IXIySO
Combined Rarity: 0.01275%
Rarity points: 78
Activation date: 14.07.2024 - 11:21:38

Jumper Color: Midnight blue
Fur Color: Common brown
Background Color: Sunset orange
Background View:
Glasses: Reading glasses
Scarf: Scarf

This goats story:
The sunsets over L'Ancresse Common with the sun high in the sky, natural Nanny looks splendid in her snug blue Guernsey Jumper and thoughtful in reading glasses, wearing a mellow yellow scarf.

4. Place

Nanny #14200

Stamp ID: o0ovlx
Combined Rarity: 0.01625%
Rarity points: 62
Activation date: 15.07.2024 - 14:50:28

Jumper Color: Midnight blue
Fur Color: Snowy white
Background Color: Misty grey
Background View:
Glasses: None
Scarf: GCS scarf

This goats story:
L'Ancresse Common shrouded in fog as a dog bounds around the fairway, sophisticated Nanny looks stylish in her snug blue Guernsey Jumper sporting a glamorous GCS scarf.